Tuesday, September 20, 2016

New Zealand - Ready... Set...

It's funny how sneaky time can be.

Outreach, which has felt miles away, is now right around the corner!

Dani and I have been excited as we gather the last few supplies needed.  I will be coordinating worship for our team during outreach, and Dani will be helping to coordinate meals!

We are excited as we pray and intercede for the people of Vanuatu, and our time among them - and we'd love to invite you to feel free to partner with us in prayer!  A quick snapshot of what He's put on our hearts is this:

That God would prepare His heart of love for the people Vanuatu inside of us.
That He would go before us, stirring up a hunger for Him among the islanders we live with.
That we would be ready in every place and every context to share His love (grocery store, hospital, church, home etc...)
That sincere worship would rise from our team, leading to increased (and lasting) worship among the nations!
That we would honor our fellow team members and build each other up in love through all circumstances.
That we would have creativity, energy, and direction to be a genuine blessing to the local people.
That God would glorify Himself through healing, miracles, and outpourings of His Spirit.

But more than any other thing (and encapsulating every other facet), that the GOOD NEWS of the gospel of reconciliation (God not counting men's sins against them) would be taught, preached, portrayed clearly, and represented well through our actions!

Jesus is ever and always the only thing that truly changes anything in the hearts of men.  May His bride listen to His voice carefully before a world that is crying out for His gracious love.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

New Zealand - Halfway There

Here's a quick update on some more practical details this week.

In the last few weeks we've been getting more practically equipped for our outreach to Vanuatu:

Delving into practical medical skills - taking vital signs, learning about wound cleaning/wound care, resuscitation/CPR, performing simple vision tests, and conducting simplified physical therapy classes.

We've also studied how to do health education, taking into account cultural differences and varying world-views.  Through all these things, we are endeavoring to not just make a difference for a few weeks or months, but to create lasting practices that lead the people of Vanuatu to rich, full, healthy lives!

Our Outreach Teams have been chosen, and Dani and I are on a team of 9 fantastic people (each one passionate about following Jesus) going to the southernmost island of Vanuatu (called Anatom - pronounced "An - eye - tchom").  

We decided to be called "Team Hobbit" since we are a group of 9, leaving from Middle Earth (aka New Zealand), to go to a volcano, and our average height on the team is about 5' 5" (I am the tallest person on the team... that's a first!).  Today we had our first team prayer time, and our excitement continues to grow as we understand God's love for the people we are traveling to minister to and help!

As of this week we are about halfway through preparations, and we'll be leaving for Vanuatu in less than 6 weeks!