Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Moments: Third Grade Happy Dance

Today, in third grade, if you'd happened to look in the window or cracked the door open, you'd have seen me literally performing a happy dance for the students after I handed out their corrected spelling quizzes.  I flailed and twirled and jumped and skipped - and my performance was received with a lot of giggles.  My dance was in celebration of the fact that seven of our 22 students had 100% of their spelling words correct on their quiz yesterday, and an additional ten students scored above a 75% and earned a "star" on the spelling chart on the wall.

We try to make a big deal out of getting the stars - drum rolls, announcing the score, allowing the students to guess who it is.  It's like a little ceremony each week.

My heart melted a tiny bit when Yayee (new to English this year) and Veevee (our most loner/artistic/living in his own little dream world student) and Pai (one of the rambunctious kiddos that should probably still be in 2nd grade but he's been pushed through the system a bit) ALL were able to put a spelling star on the wall chart for the first time today.  The room erupted in cheers for them.

In other news, Veevee "helpfully" kicked a vietnamese centipede he found out of the walkway in the hall... and directly at my ankles.  I think the desired result was to frighten the other students who were standing in line in front of me waiting to go into the classroom, or perhaps startle me.  His helpfulness earned him a bit of a conversation in the hallway with Teacher Gabe, his homeroom teacher, Krue Ratt, and another boy who had witnessed the whole incident.  Fortunately, the centipede met a swift (albeit not, maybe, humane) end by crushing from the reigning Thai shoe: the Chaco sandels.

- Dani

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