Monday, March 7, 2016

Final week

Our internet isn't working at our house (again... still...) so internet-ing happens at school or at a coffee shop, and with a long list of Internet tasks (fill out travel insurance application, check on flight info, email so-and-so) blogging hasn't been the highest on the priority list. I apologize. We'll (and by that, I really mean I because I'm not even sure Gabe knows the password to get into blogger!) try to do better!

This is our last week of classes. In truth,we give all our finals on Thursday, so we really only have 3 days of review-intense classes. We're feeling mixed emotions, which I'll try to articulate:

Sadness - we're sad to be leaving these precious kids. They are SUCH fun - they're cute and smart and funny and vibrant and joyful. I think my heart is mourning saying goodbye to them a bit!

Happiness - it has been such an honor to walk through 39 weeks of teaching with these students. I always knew I'd fall in love with them, because I asked God to give me a special love for them and I knew he would, but I never expected to feel so loved BY the kids. I've lost my patience, I've raise my voice, I've made the students do extra work or taken away privileges, and throughout it all, even amid little ups and downs, they show me they love me - gifts of just-picked weeds, hugs, greetings in the morning, shy smiles, quickly granting forgiveness when I apologize and ask for it... I don't think I'd realized just how BIG these kids' hearts are. I am happy to have been loved so well by these little ones.

Anticipation - we have a "quiet" week planned here in Thailand after we finish finals to pack up, get our classroom in order, say our goodbyes, and then we start a series of travels,  staying and working with ministries and visiting people for the next 4 months where our longest time in one location will be a month. Basically, we'll be living out of our backpacks and experiencing some amazing things and spending time with wonderful people. I'm excited (and, for parts, a little nervous) about it!

Satisfaction - I think it is without the wrong kind of pride that I can say I'm satisfied with what we've done this year here teaching. We haven't done a perfect job, but we have earnestly sought to teach well, love well, share Jesus with these kids, and be a blessing to the ministry here by trying to help build into and invest in the English program here through developing detailed daily lessons plans , creating re-useable materials for future teachers to use, developing an "orientation document," and seeking to help the administrators with feedback about what is working well and ideas for how to make the experience of teaching here better for teachers in the future. There's a lot I would continue to build on and develop if I was here longer, but I don't think there's anything major I would change about how we've been teaching.

It's hard to believe we're almost finished - especially when I think back to the beginning of the year and remember how I thought it would never end! - but it is. And our hearts are full of precious memories and joy from this year. In the words of Paul in his letter to the Philippians, this little school, and the people in it, "have a special place in my heart."

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