Thursday, April 7, 2016

JSMK: We know we're in the jungle....

When we find ourselves saying things:

Gabe: "You know, I think I really, really like mosquito nets. I know in my head it wouldn't actually stop a Burmese cobra from biting my arm, but in my heart, I'm like, 'I know there are rats and spiders and snakes, but I'm inside my mosquito net. That's gotta count for something.'"

Me: [teaching about hungry and thirsty] So if I just ran all the way from the village, and I get to camp and I'm like, ah-ah [breathes hard dramatically], I can say, 'I am not hungry, I'm thirsty!' and then you take a drink of water [unscrews water bottle and tips head back to take a big drink, looking up at the ceiling] and - Wow, that is a huge spider hanging out up there! Does anyone else see it?!"

The JSMK Director: "If you go out at night, to use the toilet or something, take one of these [gestures to headlamp]. We have some snakes here. You know, sometimes there is krait or cobra or green snakes."
Me: "So, um, do you have anti-venom?"
Director: "No, cannot get. The bite goes into the blood stream, so we give IV fluids to support the kidneys and ibuprofen for pain. Hopefully, the body can handle the poison. Oh, also some scorpions and centipedes."
Me: I'm definitely glad there's ibuprofen."

Me to Gabe: "I wish I could just explain that I'm really not this much of an idiot when I'm not in the jungle, but that's kinda dumb sounding, isn't it?"

Me to Gabe: [rustling noises coming from the back of the office/kitchen/storage area where we hang out] Oh, look honey. It's another rat/mouse thing. How many is that, now? Four sightings?"

Me to Gabe: "These chickens could seriously be models. I mean, look at that rooster! He's glorious!"

Gabe: "The lights here are sort of like a rave party for bugs. The bugs hanging out farther out are like the people who sit at tables and drink their drinks, and the bugs smacking the light are like the the people who are all, 'whooo-whooo!'"

Me to Gabe: "Only a very fit subculture would actually call this thing we're walking on a path. To most people, it would be a canyon, I think."

Me to Gabe: "OK, so Gabe? Just a status update: there's a pile of centipedes that seem to be hatching or something by the door of the bathroom, and apparently the water bucket to flush the toilet is a cool spot for those big spiders to hang out."

Gabe: "The nice thing about dirt floors is that when you drop something, you're like, 'Oh no! I'm going to make it dirty!' And then you're like, wait...." [eyes start to sparkle]

Gabe: [About Qwirkle] "So the question is, can we play this game without turning on the lights?"
Me: "No, I think we need to the light on."
Gabe: "Ok, so then the question is, how far away from the lights can we get and still see the tiles?"

- Dani


  1. "The nice thing about dirt floors is that when you drop something, you're like, 'Oh no! I'm going to make it dirty!' And then you're like, wait...."

    All of your quotes are great but this was my favorite. Much love and many blessings to both of you two. Thank you for sharing your adventures.

    1. Gabe's enjoying that aspect of jungle living and making the most of this unique opportunity! Thanks, Tracy!

  2. It's the giggling with the girls at the river that I liked reading about best. No matter the language or culture there are some things that are universally understood. Glad you had that moment together. We're praying for clear brains to break through on the multi-syllabic names.

    1. Now you can smile... FINALLY figured out how to comment on these an identity... (You know it isn't "enough" to be a blogger's mother...imagine!) and I realize that I posted this as a comment on the wrong blog. Just read the last FOUR out loud to your Dad in one ice tea sipping session... so things are mingling a bit anyway... Thanks for the word pictures!

    2. i change the setting of the blog so you can comment without having an ID - however, it is more convenient for me to see your identity rather than try to always figure out who "anonymous" is! :)
