Tuesday, August 9, 2016

New Zealand - The Big "Who?"

Who is God?

The weight of this simple (often unseen) question propels us through life.

Is He angry? Sad? Powerful? Involved? Filled with hate? Does He see me? Know me? Is He alive? Is He actually present in my life at this moment? Could He be here with me?

The simple answers to this question that we observe, are told, fall into, and eventually decide to agree with can literally push us into a world of darkness or a kingdom of light.

So, this week we are learning who God is, in teaching times and throughout our days. As Dani helps the media team create communication, she is learning that Jesus is the Word, and He loves to communicate. As I do grounds-keeping I am reminded that I work and serve and clean because I believe in a God demonstrates His love by being the servant of ALL. As we worship and try to hear his voice in new ways we are reminded that His heart toward us is like a dad with His hands stretched out, excitedly watching His toddler take their first steps. He loves our progress toward Him, no matter how small, and he's not discouraged by our weakness and clumsiness.

Two days ago, I filled out my weekly journal entry for my one-on-one leader. We were challenged to write down some things we're believing God for in the coming week. I started the entry with “I want to become a real worshipper” but felt God challenging me to also write something that was an actual physical need. I continued “AND I trust God to provide new shoes for Dani because her last good pair is breaking.” Once I was finished I simply closed the journal and went to bed.

In the morning Dani went on a morning run with Anna (one of our staff members). They were talking and Dani shared that the Lord has been humbling her because many of her clothes have worn out or been lost on our trip and she can't always look exactly how way she'd like to.

Anna went back to her room after their run and returned with some of the most beautiful LEATHER boots either of us has ever seen and said “Dani, I'd like you to have these, oh and this sweater too!” Less than twelve hours later I found myself checking that need off the list, because God pays attention when I talk to Him, knows our needs, and is more generous than I often give Him credit for.

Who is God?

There are more answers to that question than I could ever write.
But today I know this: He's a good father. A father knows what we need even before we ask, and is willing (excited, even) to show us His faithfulness in this life.

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