Saturday, January 23, 2021

Summer time fun

I'm trying to spend a little less time and mental energy on social media platforms, so here are a few little snapshots of some of our daily-life moments:

There is a lot of enthusiastic displays of affection between these two - full body hugging (from Mara), head slapping (from Jemma) - and LOADS of giggles and joint screeching.  We really love having these two little people live in our home with us!

Tomatoes reach a high price of $13.00/kg in August, so I am rejoicing in the abundance of recipes I can make with fresh tomatoes while they are in season!  I also have six tomato plants that are starting to produce tomatoes, so I might need to figure out a way to preserve them... canning pasta sauce or dehydrating them or something!

On Christmas Eve we reached the 9 month mark of Jem being OUT of the womb! It's always surreal to think about how much life has changed since the "due date" photo on the left.

Mara and her Abba are always coming up with fun, unique ways to play together.  Sometimes I'm not sure which is enjoying an activity more - it's such a blessing to see the people I love the most loving each other so well!


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