Friday, March 20, 2015


You know how in my last post I had a package addressed to the US Passport agency?  Well last Friday (which was exactly one week after I mailed that package), my Kirkwood Mama received a package from the US Government on her doorstep.  Apparently, "Expedited" means "ridiculously, unusually, miraculously fast!"  I count that as a HUGE blessing! :)

This is what my office door looked like last week - it's a lot more bare now.
This week has been busy for me with finals and working on moving stuff out of my office, and Gabe's tax office had corporate tax deadline on Tuesday, so it's been a bit nuts for him as well.  We made our last household meal plan, and most of it will comprise of eating out of our pantry in an effort to minimize what we have to give away!

Also on the topic of giving things away, we've started packing, and in that process, we've started figuring out what we'll be taking with us, what we'll be storing, and what will be in the "to sell" pile for our upcoming garage sale (March 28th, if anyone's interested!).

To sell!
To take (the government makes food pyramids - I make clothes pyramids!)
Meanwhile, we're still doing important things like reading Narnia with Abigael when we're all home in the evening!
Working on The Silver Chair
 And continuing to work on the to-do list that has been hanging on our wall for over a month:

THE list.
I'm placing an order for our photo cards this evening, and working on writing the official mailing letter that will be going out to our various churches and friends and family.  I have a large number of people who have already asked to be put on the list, but if you haven't yet and would like to, let us know!  You can FB message us or text/call us or shoot us an email.  We'd love to have our photo on your fridge!

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