Tuesday, July 19, 2016

New Zealand - Dances at Spear-point

We’ve arrived at the Shire!  

New Zealand is really some of the most idyllic farming countryside we have ever seen, with gorgeous (but steep) green hills, winding rivers, rolling waterfalls, and sheep, sheep, & more sheep!

We both feel at home in the YWAM environment here in New Zealand and are really excited about the friendships that we are forming, the valuable training we are receiving, the insight the Lord is giving us, and the work we are going to do!

Today we did a traditional Maori tribal welcome to the land.  Gabe was selected as the representative of the delegation of new visitors was told to stand at the front of the group of DTS students during the ceremony.  

Suddenly, a massive, tattoo-laden Maori warrior in traditional dress began to approach the group, waving a spear, shouting, and doing the dance that the Maori have traditionally used to intimidate messengers to ensure that they truly came in peace.

"Maintain eye contact with the warrior, no matter what!!!" were the last words Gabe heard before the ceremony began, so he glued his eyes to the intense face approaching.  The warrior dropped a fern leaf as a symbol of invitation, which Gabe came forward to retrieve and we were welcomed into the ceremony with traditional Maori chants and songs.

Later on, we sang worship in Maori and the chief of this area welcomed us onto their land, and granted us a place in their family as he prayed God's purposes over us.  Both our DTS leader and Gabe shared that we were honored by this opportunity, and that all the new students have come desiring peace and unity, honoring the lives of our fathers who have pursued God before us, and thanking the Maori for the privilege of being given a place in their land and family.

It was a beautiful example of God redeeming culture to give honor and love to his sons and daughters.

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