Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Solomon Islands - The Old and The New

Nothing was visible but ocean as far as my eyes could see as we approached the Solomon Islands.

As we began our descent, I waited (and hoped) that a slice of land would appear before we hit sea level! Suddenly we were surrounded by green as we touched down on Henderson Field (the tiny airstrip that turned the tide of World War II; whose construction began at the hands of Japanese Engineers, but was soon finished and tenaciously defended by US Marines).

Later we would discover more about that great battle as we visited the rusty remains of amphibious tanks left behind by the American Navy and went to the memorial commemorating the great sacrifices of those who fought here.

Dani and I kicked off our trip to the Solomon Islands by grabbing a couple of paint brushes and attacking Megan and Andrew's dirty 15-year-old-pink living room walls. Megan's relief was great as she was able to watch the dismal shade disappear under a new coat (or five!) of fresh white!

We arrived halfway through a Bible-Training workshop here at the SITAG (Solomon Islands Translation Advisory Group) facilities, and had the privilege of attending several sessions. Pastors and local leaders shared their cultures' traditions and problems, examining their culture in light of the gospel. Later they discussed how to apply biblical principals to those traditions, transforming their culture with the truth.

This leg of the trip has been very exciting as God seems to be putting some of the puzzle pieces of His guidance together for Dani and me. As insight we have gained from our various ministry experiences becomes clearer, and we weigh possible directions for our future, we greatly value your prayers over us.

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