Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Feelin' the Love

It's been a beast of a week - and it's only Tuesday! - but in the middle of PILES of paperwork to grade, data to analyze, activities to plan, and some (hopefully calming down...) work environment strain, I am choosing to recognize and - through that recognition - feel the love around me.

Gabe and I play a game sometimes, and today I taught it to a few of my students.  They seemed to be struggling with their attitude a little today - as was I - and I thought it would be timely for both me and them to play.  It's a very simple activity: it's called the Thankfulness Game.  The goal is to be the last one to say something you're thankful for.  You can't copy the other person, and you can't repeat yourself.

As I was teaching my students, hoping it would improve their moods, I found my strategy working on me, too (no surprise!).  I remembered to be grateful for things like a warm jacket, a car to drive, extra supplies in the storage room, people that have experience and heart that I get to work with, electricity, being close to family and friends, a beautiful sunrise this morning, a dry winter day, a husband full of compassion, and SO many others individual blessings.

This afternoon, when I opened my email, I was reminded of the wonderful "whanau" we have in NZ ready to welcome us, and how we get to see God starting to provide people to pledge financial support for our needs, and my sweet Mom who remembered to shoot me a Valentine's Day email with a little word of encouragement.

Today hasn't been filled with chocolate and roses and champagne (and that's perfectly OK - we've never been big on celebrating Valentine's Day as a couple!), and honestly, it hasn't been restful, relaxing, or stress-free, but I do feel loved.  I know I am remembered, cared for, appreciated, and enjoyed by the Creator of the Universe and people dear to my heart.

And that's worth being thankful for!

- dani

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