Saturday, March 25, 2017

6 years, work, and 30%!

Hi friends!

Yesterday marked 6 years of us being "a thing." Yes, I know, photos of the two of us is pretty overdone on this blog, but pardon my sentimentality!

This picture was taken during our first summer dating together.  We started dating at Long Beach on March 23, 2011, and this was taken a few months later when Gabe was working down at Cannon Beach.

I (Dani) couldn't ask for a better guy to spend my life with! It just keeps getting better and better :)

Work update:
We're enjoying our jobs a great deal!

I am SO enjoying being a teacher but with normal hours!  Yesterday I wasn't feeling well, so I took the day off from work, and when I showed up today, my supervisor was surprised to see me.  "Dani, feel free to leave whenever you need to.  Just go home if you start not feeling well," he said.  By 10:30, he was back in the library and saw me running around. "How are you feeling?" When I admitted I was starting to fade, he said, "Just go home! Go rest up and take care of yourself." Who gets to have that kind of a supervisor?! I feel so taken care of!

Gabe, meanwhile, is rising to the challenge of 3 weeks left of tax season.  His boss took today off to go get his heart stopped and restarted (for real!), so Gabe had a bit of a quiet day today to get caught up on bookwork, but that's pretty rare.  It's been fairly non-stop all this week, and he anticipates next week being similar.  He's handling the Monday-Saturday work week pretty well, but we appreciate your prayers for energy and grace!

On the financial support raising side of things, we are 30% of the way to finding 30 people who have committed to giving to us on a monthly basis while we're in New Zealand.  We are SO grateful for these dear friends' generosity, encouragement, and willingness to sacrifice for us to be able to do what we believe God has called us to do.  And we are so thankful for God's faithfulness in every step of this journey.  He has proven to us again and again that he is trustworthy and faithful.  We're just trying to be trustworthy and faithful in return to him!

Gabe's sister and her husband had a baby this past weekend, so we're holding down the fort here in Longview while Gabe's Mom is back in New York with them and Gabe's Dad prepares to fly back next week. If you want to come up for dinner while they're gone, let us know and we'll try to get something on the calendar.  We'll have a big house to ourselves!

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