Thursday, November 16, 2017

Vanuatu - And a Life Full of Blessings

Last Saturday was my birthday, and Dani rented us a sporty red Mazda (woo hoo!) so we could drive the circumference of the entire island (Efate is one of the only islands in Vanuatu that has a "sealed" road all the way around). On our way around we made a stop at Tanna Coffee (Vanuatu's biggest coffee maker) for a factory tour (and a Mocha), plus an epic picnic (with 7-Layer-Nacho-Dip) overlooking a beach with beautiful aqua-teal water, and we finished with a lazy drive around the island just talking and admiring the volcanic landscape and sprawling jungle.

We wrapped up the day by gathering all our friends who are here together at the clinic for Jello-cake and ice cream!

As we look toward leaving next week - and look forward to meeting up with all the other teams, hearing their stories, hosting some family visitors from the Solomon Islands, finally meeting our little one, and seeing both our sets of parents next year - I find myself reflecting on all the things I am thankful for. What a privilege this life is.

And as I wrap up the birthday festivities, I am reminded of how much I am blessed to have a wife who is so consistent, thoughtful, caring, and beautiful.

I'd encourage you today: Tell the people in your life who are absolute treasures that you're thankful for them.

Nothing lasts as long as it feels like it will, and there's a lot to be grateful for when we stop to notice.

- Gabe

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