Friday, November 3, 2017

Vanuatu: Back in Business

After a wonderful visit with family in the Solomon Islands (including many evening conversations as we caught up and shared ideas, a plethora of late-night board-games, and hours of playing "Pirates" with Nicola and Anthony as we sailed my hammock to "distant and magical lands!")...

We're back in Vanuatu! And we've had a blast networking with the rich international community and the visiting missions-groups here in Port Vila (including a group working with "Jesus Film" recording new languages in which to produce the video). Gabe has had opportunities to start a new carpentry, landscaping, and painting projects to keep the "Family Care Centre" in ship-shape, Dani has helped welcome people into the clinic and taken their basic information to keep things running smooth for the nurses.

Many days we are met with unexpected opportunities to show God's love, such as praying for Jimmy, a man we met while out walking who has a broken leg that is slow to heal, and inviting him to come to the next free clinic. Or visiting the jail, where Gabe had the opportunity to share with the inmates a message from Deuteronomy 30:11-16.

What a rich time it was to be able to share hope with men walking through difficult times, saying "You have a God who is not far away! He gives you opportunities to choose between things that lead to life and ones that lead to death, but He WANTS to see you choose life! If you are feeling like there is no hope for you, that is not the voice of your Father, because He will not convict you to take away your hope. Right here in verse 19 He calls out to you 'Choose LIFE, that you may live' because he wants to give you hope that life does not end here. You can have good friends, see your needs met, have a healthy family... God wants you to live with hope, God wants you to choose paths that lead to life!"

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