Tuesday, January 2, 2018

New Zealand - New School and New Baby... Coming Soon!

In the strange transition between schools, my blogs have floated away along with my normal schedule!  Yet here we are, already welcoming staff members back to NZ, and preparing to start receiving new students for January DTS in just 2 weeks!

The last few weeks have been difficult at times.  It's hard to say goodbye to people who have become such close friends, and also be around so many new faces while you process that sadness (the students of the DTS school which started in October have been here all December).

Dani and I have alternated between investing in new and old friendships, helping with kitchen and maintenance duties here on base, preparing for baby K's arrival, and trying to rest (to recover from outreach in Vanuatu and to prepare for parenthood - sleep while you don't have a newborn, right?)

The last two weeks have been intense, as our ultrasounds have shown that some of baby's measurements have not been increasing as quickly as the doctors would like.  So, the doctors would like to intervene soon to induce labor, while our midwife (and us!) would greatly prefer to see us go into labor naturally - but we all want "bubs" (as they call babies in New Zealand) to be healthy, whole, and happy.  In the midst of many weighty decisions, we have been reminded of how many things in life are outside our control, but also of how many privileges and blessings we receive from the one who is in control.

So we have prayed.  We have prayed for direction and wisdom in all these decisions.  We have prayed and asked Father God to release us from fear, pride, and worry.  We have prayed over baby K, for his/her health and safety.

And we have felt the presence of God, and His peace over us.  And we have been surrounded by love and care from family and friends sending their love across the miles, as well as wonderful support from our community of friends here.  And we have seen Dani's body progress more and more quickly as we trust God to do what we cannot.

So, we rest in the peaceful fact that our Father in Heaven knows every detail of our lives, and all things move forward in His mercy and love.  Thanks to everyone who has wished us well, and sent up their own prayers on our behalf.  We are so grateful for all the support we've been shown in this time.

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