Tuesday, January 30, 2018

New Zealand - Baby Kirkwood has arrived!

Hello friends!
We have added a family member, started a new DTS, are tackling breastfeeding and sleep deprivation, and falling in love with our little girl - it has been a busy couple of weeks!

Samara Louisa-Faith was born January 8th - she was scheduled to be induced out of the womb that day, but she got labor started about 12 hours before we were to report to the hospital. Dani was very grateful for the timing of that! Her birth didn't go exactly as we'd hoped (what's the saying? "Hope for the best, prepare for the worst, it'll probably be somewhere in between..." - that held true for us!), but we were still able to go home from the hospital a few hours after she was born, which was a blessing - and a cost saver!

We welcomed 65 students 5 days later, and started the process of memorizing names (Dani's still working on that!) and figuring out how to have an infant in community! So far it has been great - lots of very willing baby holders allow for afternoon nap opportunities! For the first two weeks, our friend Jasmine was on Kirkwood care duty - bringing us meals, holding little Mara, running errands, picking up supplies, and generally just serving and blessing us. It REALLY helped our transition to parenthood to have her support!

This week is our second week of lectures, so we are getting back into the groove of spending mornings in the classroom - since lectures are happening off site this school, it takes a little more organizing, but the huge blessing of having our own car really helps with the logistics and provides us with freedom to be able to come late or leave early.

We've gotten our one-on-one assignments and we're excited to start working with these precious guys and gals. Dani will be working with three young ladies - Solvar, from Norway, Alyssa, from the USA, and Elinor, from Sweden.  Gabe'll get to spend time with Tobias, from Germany, and Jonas, from Denmark. We're really looking forward to seeing all that this school holds and getting to know these students!

Gabe in lectures with Mara.

Dani and Jasmine (center) and our friends Nat (left) and Jess (right).

Our little girl - we think she's just beautiful!

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