Tuesday, July 17, 2018

New Zealand - Family Photos and the Start of a New School

We had some family photos taken in April by one of our students here at the base - she was able to get them to us today and we'd love to share a few! See below :)

Also, we're finishing up the last few days of staff training before we head into our third school staffing. The other two schools we've staffed have been very different from each other, so we're excited to see what this one ends up being like!

We've had the opportunity to join a weekly leadership training class that the base here is offering (it is called Habitudes) and we're looking forward to completing the course over the next several months.

Mara continues to grow and she is SUCH a delight! I'll post a few pictures I took of her this week in honor of her reaching her 6-month birthday! She's been eating solid foods (well, mostly puréed stuff!) daily for a few weeks now - although the interest and some occasional "snacks" have been there for a few months. It is fun to get to see her enjoying new things - mostly enjoying, that is!

Life feels like it is gearing up to be BUSY, but full and good and beautiful.  And going in to this school, my desire is to put my heart and soul in to it in such a way that when graduation comes in December and I am saying goodbye to these students and this season with them, I have no regrets.  I want to know I gave it my all!

- Dani

And some 6-month photos of this sweet girl!

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