Thursday, October 26, 2017

Solomon Islands: Wait, what?!?

This week we've taken a bit of time off. Our Vanuatu tourist visa ran out, and we were asked to renew it. That meant another fee and a bit of paperwork. So, we decided instead to put that money toward plane tickets, leave the country briefly, and get another free tourist visa upon re-entry into Vanuatu.

So, yesterday we packed one backpack for both of us, drove to the almost-empty airport of Port Vila, boarded a Boeing 737 with about 20 other passengers (including a super pumped-up French weightlifting team) and about 200 empty seats... and flew to the Solomon Islands!

We were greeted by Andrew, our brother in law who had managed to keep the whole thing under wraps, and finally, we bounced our way down the dirt road to our astonished (slightly confused) niece Nicola and nephew Anthony, and Dani's very surprised sister Megan. Much smiling, laughing, and catch-up time has ensued since that moment.

Now to enjoy one of life's rare treasures - unexpected time with family! I could say more, but duty calls and we're all off for an ice cream outing!

- Gabe

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